Initiative Logistics
Today, logistics services are needed in connection with the increasing number of natural disasters, political crises, terrorist attacks, and accidents. In this case, it is a matter of transporting auxiliary goods, assistants, and tools as quickly as possible to where they are urgently needed. Often, the logistical organization of such aid represents a special challenge. Usually, it is associated with considerable costs.
Sea, Air, Transport, & Service has provided logistical support, in connection with donation calls and relief operations in the past. The international logistics know-how and long-standing experience of the company have proven to be extremely valuable. Sea, Air, Transport & Service became active supporting parts in many cases, and especially favorable conditions could be offered by own provided financial means. For this purpose, the company has provided a special budget for some time now.
In the future, logistics will also be required in connection with remedial actions, and financial resources are therefore needed. Sea, air, transport, and service brought “Initiative Logistics” to life. The idea is simple: in the context of ongoing customer orders, funds are systematically accumulated in an auxiliary account, which is used to finance aid transports. Thereby, it will become even easier in the future to organize logistic solutions at short notice for necessary help.
With every customer order, an amount of 5.00 Euros will be deposited in the company’s help fund. The budget allocated for such purposes is thereby additionally increased from our own resources. Customers have the option of also providing 5.00 euros or an individual selected amount for the fund as part of their order. Customers have the choice to independently donate any desired amount. A commitment as a sponsor is also possible. Participation in “Initiative Logistics” is indeed voluntary for customers.
SATS Group hopes that, with the help of the “Logistics Initiative,” it will be able to significantly increase the funds available for the financial support of aid transports. The company sees this initiative as a contribution to its social and humanitarian responsibilities, going beyond its core business activities. SATS Group would appreciate the active participation of its customers.
The current situation in parts of the world demonstrates just how necessary such commitment is.
Please support our project and help people in emergency situations!
We also look forward to inquiries to projects we can assist with these actions.